Hi-Max 18650 2600mAh (White)
Official specifications:
- 68.85(length)x18.60(diameter)
- 3.7v/2600mAh
- Build in protected PCB
The two batteries does not have the same capacity or curve. At a sustained 5A load, one of the batteries trips it’s over current protection.
In this chart it is easy to see that the shape of the discharge curve is different for the two batteries.
When cold the protection trips at around 6A, this drops to 5A when the battery is heated, as can be seen above.
The shape of the charging curve for the two batteries are different, I wonder why? Can it be production tolerances, different age of cell or different brands of cell?
The performance of these batteries is better than the typical cheap batteries, but slightly below the brand names batteries.
Because of the difference between the two cells I will only rate it good for a cheap battery.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries